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Keep Councilwoman Mumm

I want a person who has integrity, a social conscience and is a fiscal conservative. A team player who isn’t afraid to challenge policy when it does not make sense.

Someone who truly listens to the citizens they represent. Someone involved in public service for over 20 years who understands the Citizens Comprehensive Plan for growing our city. Someone who champions for neighborhood safety, walkability and character that makes each neighborhood unique.

Someone who owns a business, has development experience and puts developers and neighborhoods on an equal playing field.

I want Candace Mumm and will be voting to keep her in her Spokane City Council seat to continue being a great representative for our part of town.

Candace has consistently proven her ability to put people first. She gave us a much needed crosswalk ordinance, voted to hire more neighborhood resource officers and works to protect neighborhoods. She is a public servant who is not beholden to any special interest. Her only interest is creating that sense of place and community we all deserve.

Kathy Miotke


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