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Expand representation

I attended a congressional town hall and observed the degrading of representative governance. Congressional offices are input-flooded with little detailed office response. This overload is the rule, not a particular representative’s fault. Representing close to 800,000, representatives become the elites who supposedly have superior abilities to know what is best for the rest.

Citizens have become estranged, prefer complacency, and feel disaffected from the federal government. This creates a vacuum that is frequently filled by mobilized fringe interest groups and moneyed lobbyists.

The solution? Technology’s rise is exponential and specialized. America could increase representation by adding House membership. It is not necessary for all representatives to convene in D.C. There could be six to 12 new federalized districts, reducing D.C. from being a most destabilizing strategic target. With one representative for every 50,000 citizens, local concerns are acknowledged, not turned over to distant bureaucracy.

At present, regional challenges are marginalized in the national dialogue. Specialized bipartisan subcommittees focused on health care, education, student debt, national debt, infrastructure, cyber-security, immigration, etc,. would be handled by 6,500 “subcommittee” representatives.

Change is the constant. Americans could be the true enemy of indifference, widespread ignorance and poverty for our finite world.

Gerald Weitz

Viola, Idaho

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