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Clinton shows dignity

Welcome, spring. Finally, the dreary winter days have gone and spring days offer hope and renewal.

Fittingly, Hillary Clinton took her place back in New York at the gathering of “Women for Women International.”

It was a pleasure to see her in best form, relaxed, humorous, witty … a class act. If not for Russian intervention and FBI hindrance 10 days before the election, Hillary would have taken on the weighty job of president, without whining, with dignity.

During the campaign, Hillary had compassion, wisdom and a genuine plan for America. When we let her down, we let ourselves down.

But the campaign is over, and the new beginning offers the President a chance to do something good for America: to de-polarize the nation; to show that it is possible for us to engage with each other, and to improve trust, so that we can build on our commons goals and interests.

As a true professional throughout her whole career, Hillary is back on stage, too, and, as citizen-advocate, ready to fight again for women, for girls and for all Americans.

Halina Slobodow


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