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Sounds like anarchy

Whether or not one agrees with Judy Silvertein’s opinion (“Responsibility in democracy,” May 2), her final statement caused me great concern. After criticizing President Trump for numerous “scandals” based on her opinion rather than on facts, she concluded, “In a democracy, the public must take responsibility when its leader abdicates it.”

I hope she realized the United States is not a democracy; it is a republic, in which the people elect representatives to do just that: represent them in issues of common concern, according to laws that have been duly established. It is not the public’s right or responsibility to take matters in its own hands. It sounds like anarchy, to me. Judy has a right to express her opinions, as do I; but I hope she will contact her representatives and urge them to consider her concerns.

I can respect personal views with which I differ if they are expressed based on proven facts; but opinions based on opinions of others offer nothing of value to anyone.

Darlene LaFollette


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