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Questions for CMR

I read with interest the column Cathy McMorris Rodgers wrote for the Washington Post. It’s good that The Spokesman-Review monitors the Washington Post so that they can publish her column (May 5) for her constituents here in the 5th District, so far away from her home in D.C.

The article brought up some questions for me.

Did she read the bill before voting? The whole bill, not parts of it. Did she read or did her staff read it for her? If this bill passes the Senate, will her “yes” vote affect her personal insurance coverage like it will affect so many of her constituents and others throughout the country?

“We’ve had … tough conversations …. with people from all walks of life,” she wrote. Could she provide a list? Are any of those people from the medical field - doctors, nurses, or hospital administrators?

Just a few questions. Any answers?

Barbara Hill


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