Regents OK multiple WSU construction projects; approve Doctor of Medicine degree at WSU Spokane

The Washington State University Board of regents voted Friday to approve design and construction budgets for two major construction projects on the Pullman campus.
The projects include the $40 million second construction phase of the Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health, which will be connected to the existing building, and the $66 million Plant Sciences Building.
The regents’ approval allows WSU President Kirk Schulz to move forward on the projects, but only if funding for them is legislatively appropriated.
The regents also voted to allow Schulz to conduct negotiations with Pullman-based Corporate Pointe Developers for the creation of a “mixed use village,” including stores, restaurants and condominiums for WSU students and alumni east of campus.
The regents also:
-Approved a Doctor of Medicine degree at WSU Spokane, for the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine. The degree will require completion of six courses in medical science, four clerkships, one sub-internship rotation, eight regular rotations and 12 one-credit courses in medical leadership, in addition to passing three licensing exams, completing one scholarly project and satisfying the college’s standards of professionalism.
-Established a doctoral degree in statistical science, a bachelor of science degree in sports medicine and a master’s degree in athletic training.
-Approved the purchase and installation of new copper shielding and the purchase of a 1.5 Tesla MRI to replace the 20-year-old model currently in use at WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital at a cost not to exceed $2.2 million.