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The Slice: Slice questions just for you

I know what you are thinking.

You would be happy to respond to a Slice question, except those queries somehow don’t seem personal enough. In your mind, they feel just a tad generic and not zeroed in on the specific circumstances of your life.

Well, all that is about to change. Today’s column is just for you.

Please see if you don’t think one or two of these questions is right up your alley. Then be sure to get back to me with your answers.

Is that what you’re wearing?

Did something die in your car or does it always smell like that?

You going to finish that?

Who left the lights on in here?

Can I get you anything while I’m up?

You’re not going out dressed like that, are you?

Who ate the last piece of pie?

Do I look like I’m made of money?

Can you drive me?

Have you erased your search history lately?

Do you think that might be infected?

Why do you always do that when you know it bugs me?

Does this taste weird?

Have you seen the sock that goes with this one?

Have you ever thought of maybe putting the mail in the same place every day?

Are you aware you are making that annoying sound?

Why do you always leave your shoes in the middle of the floor?

Towels on the floor? Again?

What else has that actor been in?

Are you just going to stand there with the refrigerator door open?

How do these make my butt look?

What on God’s green Earth is that smell?

What time will you be home?

Are you watching that again?

Are you kidding me?

Do you smell skunk?

Does this gesture mean anything in sign language?

Why are we having this conversation again?

Is Taco Twednesday a thing in Spokane now?

What is that stain?

Is it hot in here?

Should you have that drained?

Will this go on your permanent record?

Is that a tattoo or an old injury?

Is that your hand?

Today’s Slice question: Who actually answers the phone at home when it’s not a name or number you recognize or it is clearly a solicitation?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email The Sunshine Mine fire started on this date in 1972.

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