Big Horn Show brings outdoors inside Expo Center

OUTGOING – The Big Horn Outdoor Adventure Show will fill the Spokane Fair and Expo Center Thursday through Sunday with more than 250 vendors of outdoor gear and services as well as area clubs and outfitters.
The annual show once again is sponsored by the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council, which started the annual event 57 years ago as a small gathering for hunters to compare their big-game hunting trophies of the year.
Ladies’ Night will debut at the show on Friday with prize drawings, discounts by approximately 50 vendors from 4-8 p.m. and a ladies-first express lane at the shooting gallery. The first 1,000 women to enter the show after the doors open at noon will get a gift bag.
Also new this year: wine will be served along with the brews at the Beer Garden.
See live bears at Bear World and take the kids to wet a line for trout at Fishing World or sling an arrow at the archery range.
Free seminars run hourly through the show and cover topics such as calling elk and black bears, fishing the upper Columbia River, kokanee fishing, deer hunting, Clark Fork River fly fishing and turkey hunting.
Sportsmen can drop off big-game horns and antlers starting on Thursday for official scoring at Trophy Territory, which is where the event began but is now a small portion of the show.
A $10 adult ticket is valid for all four days of the show.
Nature programs
on butterflies, water
OUTSEE – Two free programs offered by local clubs this week protecting nature and natural resources:
Coeur d’Alene Waterkeeper, by Lisa Manning and Mike Zager, on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Lutheran Church of the Master, 4800 N. Ramsey Road. in Coeur d’Alene, for Coeur d’Alene Audubon.
Basic Butterfly Biology and spotlight on five Eastern Washington species of conservation concern, by members of the Washington Butterfly Association, on Wednesday at 6 p.m., Room 1A, Downtown Public Library, 906 W. Main St.
Sandhill Crane Fest
includes Ice Age Floods
OUTDO – The 20th annual Othello Sandhill Crane Festival on March 24-26 will have the usual expert program speakers, activities for kids and tours to see wildlife and the namesake sandhill cranes. New this year is an increased presence of the Ice Age Floods Institute.
At least eight lectures and tours are scheduled on March 25-26 near Othello and the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge.
Info: or call (866) 726-3445.