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Protect the Dreamers

Congress should pass the Bridge Act and reintroduce the Dream Act to protect the young people who were born abroad but grew up here in the United States. It’s the right thing for them but also the right thing for America. We are stronger with a growing population. Immigration expands our population, and there isn’t a more loyal group of immigrants than those who grew up living our culture. An educated nation is stronger. As taxpayers, we paid to educate them. We Americans should reap the benefits of that investment.

The Dreamers, having grown up here, consider America their home and are unlikely to leave willingly. We can harness their energy by letting them work openly and thrive rather than leaving them trapped and resentful in the shadows. I am confident in their ability to do great things for America. My father was brought to the United States as a youth. He gained American citizenship in the U.S. Army. He earned a doctorate in physics. He generated patents, trained many young physicists and worked on projects to help protect the national security of the United States.

My father helped make America great. We should let the Dreamers do that, too.

William Forman


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