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Gun just a tool

Several weeks ago Shawn Vestal went on his quarterly rant against guns. Usually this follows a big event like Sandy Hook, but the closest thing might be the 100 shootings in Chicago over the Fourth of July in the city with the strictest guns laws in the U.S. This time Shawn quoted from the NBER, talking about how right-to-carry does not stop crime. Nice, but did he read the other article, also from NBER stating, “the data does not support increase or decrease in crime?”

Or remember the howling about the “gun show loophole?” NBER has an article that states “there is no substantial evidence that gun shows increase or decrease homicides or suicides.”

There is even one that talks about how if you choose a model to show your hypothesis, it might not be correct model. Statistics, models, whatever you use can always be set to show your idea is correct.

After all, science proved absolutely there is no such thing as a black swan, until they found some.

When will gun control advocates admit that a gun is only a tool, the same as any other, and the person with the tool causes the problem?

Steven Stuart


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