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Sue Lani? Baloney

After reading Sue Lani Madsen’s opinion piece on climate change, I feel the editors of this paper are doing a disservice to their readers by presenting an article not based by any scientific fact, as a news article. Climate change denial is an opinion or unsubstantiated belief. Climate science is fact, accepted by all of the qualified climate scientists not paid by fossil fuel companies. Svante Arrehius first predicted global warming in 1896. Exxon scientists predicted global warming in the 1970’s. James Hansen’s hockey stick has been verified and vindicated in court.

In the same edition of the paper, was an article about the Defense Department’s assessment of climate change as a threat to national security. Resource wars, famines, droughts, and mass migration will be a greater threat to the U.S. than terrorism. And, no Sue Lani, the Defense Department is not part of the “Chinese Hoax”.

The evidence is clear and indisputable that climate change is occurring and increasing. Catastrophic events are happening with increased severity and regularity. Ms. Madsen should be in the opinion section, but it’s your paper, you can do what you want, including printing lies and misinformation to please your advertisers and political fantasies.

David Randall


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