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Madsen’s baseless fantasy

Sue Lani Madsen attempts to ridicule the Spokane City Council’s proposed ordinance acknowledging the fact of human-caused climate change. Guess she thinks our ever-hotter summers and escalating wildfires are merely in the realm of unaccepted “theory.”

Madsen cites a supposedly “major” alternative climate theoretician, the lightly peer-reviewed Allan Savory (who helped orchestrate the slaughter of 40,000 Rhodesian elephants in the 1950’s and now advocates even more methane-producing cattle production). And don’t forget the science denials of light fiction author, Michael Crichton - unlike the dinosaurs of his Jurassic Park, the extinction we humans face will not be reversible. Madsen appears to draw special comfort from the platitudes of discredited non-scientist Harold Ambler, who says we need to abandon prevention and just resign ourselves to adapting to climate change.

All of this is baseless fantasy, and defeatism in time of a real war for our very survival. Here’s a thought - our great grandchildren won’t really care whether we fixed our potholes. But they’ll curse our memory if we leave them a boiling hot planet. It has been left to U.S. cities to carry on the fight.

Douglas A. Boe


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