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Impose real-world education

It seems Democrats are all for the full funding of education. Could that be because most educators are Democrats and union members who pay dues that are then funneled in large numbers to the Democrat Party in the form of campaign donations? I think if we truly want to make education great again, we need to eliminate the requirement for teachers and professors to have advanced degrees and instead require at least 20 years’ experience working in the field they are teaching.

Today we have educators who have never done the job they are teaching the students how to do. I have often said that you don’t have to go to college to be an idiot but sometimes it sure helps, and that is because students are taught what professors who live and work in a sheltered environment void of real world experience believe, not what is real.

Let’s make education great again by returning it to the real world!

Another thing is school is designed to educate everyone to know what maybe 15 percent of what we need to know. Most of our workforce is blue collar. Shouldn’t we be educating our students for that instead?

Money is not the problem.

Rob Leach


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