Former F-15 pilot takes command of 141st Refueling Wing at Fairchild

Col. Johan A. Deutscher, who has flown F-15 fighters over the course of his Air Force career, has taken over command of the 141st Air Refueling Wing.
A formal assumption of command ceremony was held Friday at Fairchild Air Force Base where the Washington Air National Guard unit is stationed.
“Together, we will always be ready to serve our neighbors and our nation,” Deutscher told nearly 500 wing personnel in a packed ceremony at the Red Morgan Center on base.
Deutscher took command June 2, but the assumption ceremony was held off until this month to coincide with annual exercises for hundreds of guard members.
The diversity in the guard’s mission carries it to wars overseas and into local battles against wildfires and mudslides.
Deutscher replaces outgoing commander Col. Daniel Swain.
Deutscher earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at the Air Force Academy in 1996.
His master’s degree is in organizational management from George Washington University in 2002.
During his career, he has served as an assistant weapons officer, flight commander, assistant director of operations, a communications commander and a deputy commander in cyberspace operations.
His last post was as commander of the 194th Mission Support Group in the Washington guard at Camp Murray.
In addressing his wing and guests, Deutscher said, “Many of you have been wonderful mentors to me over the years.”
Deutscher has logged more than 2,100 hours of flight time.
Brig. Gen. John Tuohy, assistant adjutant general and commander of the Washington air guard, described Deutscher as a “highly talented and capable pilot and seasoned commander.”
“Give him your full loyalty and respect,” Tuohy told the wing personnel.
In an interview, Deutscher said he is excited to be in Spokane.
“Team Fairchild has welcomed me with open arms,” he said. “Everybody is enthusiastic.”
He said he is pleased about a new skill set: the training of 15 airmen of the 141st and 10 airmen from the 194th in wildfire fighting.
It’s an extension of the guard mission to serve the nation and neighbors, he said.
Mission readiness will continue to be a priority, he said.
The wing is made up of 970 personnel. About 30 percent of them are on full-time duty.