I believe in Pence
In response to the July 2 letter Jeanette Murphy, (Sunday, July 2), I find her stereotyping of “Trump supporters” as idiots rudely offensive. As for the reference to the Fox News report regarding chocolate milk, one should not believe all they read. I find it highly unlikely that 16.4 million people are “misinformed” about chocolate milk (unless those surveyed were children under the age of 12).
The American voters were given two choices in November, neither of which were “ideal” choices. Both candidates carried a barrage of “baggage.” One who supports capitalism as the backbone to this country’s financial well-being, promoting freedom of commerce and choice, therefore, creating an independence of government, and the other a progressive socialist who believes in the ideology of “one shoe fits all”, thus creating a dependence on government and congressional power.
I am a capitalist. I am an independent. I am a business owner and hold two associates degrees. I am an American who holds my constitutional rights and my freedoms to choose dearly near. I also know that chocolate milk does not come from brown cows.
As for my decision to vote for Trump, it is Pence I believe in.
Earlene Lindley