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U.S. no longer cohesive

Two hundred-plus years ago when the government of the United States was founded, a group of men, with differing opinions and backgrounds, came together to create a cohesive whole. This happened over a period of several years, but compromise was achieved and a constitution written, and a government created, along with a Bill of Rights.

How different it is today. Now we have polarization, gridlock and a refusal by our elected representatives to reach a compromise to move our country forward with “liberty and justice for all,” regardless of race, religion, political leanings, skin color, etc.

Our founding fathers would be appalled to see what has happened to the great governmental experiment they sacrificed so much for.

I would challenge my senators, Mike Crapo and James Risch, to work with all parties, liberal or conservative, moving from the left or the right to the middle path in order to take our country forward, for the betterment of all.

Donna Nordstrom


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