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Restoration project wilts
The Country Homes Restoration Project was an excellent idea. Two million dollars was spent to upgrade the storm water drainage and ultimately the water quality in the Little Spokane River. A total of $155,000 was spent on vegetation for Phase 1 of the project. For the first two years after completion, the landscape company that placed all the plants were the ones who came out twice a year to weed the areas and trim the vegetation. Since their contract has ended Spokane County has not taken care of this are, and it is being let go.
Driving along Country Homes you will now see plants that have not been trimmed back in the spring, dead areas, weeds that are in some areas over 2 feet tall and flowering. There is no excuse for this area not to be maintained after spending all that money. Have some pride, Spokane. Phase 2 of Country Homes also looks atrocious. Not sure what the landscape plan was there, but it too is just weeds and overgrown grass that is not taken care of. Why spend the time, money and man hours on these projects and then not maintain them.
Lisa Collins