New Portland arrivals find ‘Go back to California’ graffiti
PORTLAND – Oregonians have spent decades blaming Californians for increased traffic and other problems.
But rarely does the frustration go beyond words.
On Sunday, however, Preston Page and Jessica Faraday awoke to find messages such as “Go back to California” spray-painted across the front of their house and car.
Page told the Oregonian/OregonLive they moved to Portland from Southern California in February and most people have been fantastic.
He believes the vandalism stemmed from an incident Saturday, when he dropped Faraday off in front of their house. The street outside the home is narrow, and a vehicle coming along behind their Prius couldn’t get past.
The impatient driver exchanged words with Page. After noticing the out-of-state license plate, he barked at them to go back to California.