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Trump Kool-Aid consumed

Based on his letter (“Democrats the selfish party,” June 20) Jim Barbieri has drunk way too much of the Trump Kool-Aid. In my opinion, any person who can stand behind another person who continually lies, and he has every day of his life, demeans and bullies people and then pushes other foreign leaders out of the way so he can be in front of the picture and then says that these things aren’t true is a person who must think that honesty and integrity are not worthy traits to have.

Trump is so unfit to be an occupant of the White House. He has brought so much disdain to the office that I feel it will take years to repair the damage.

Last, he has not in any way shape or form lived up to the oath he took to uphold and defend the Constitution, which if Mr. Barbieri has forgotten, is the supreme law of the land.

Barb Beck


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