Pride Parade not ruined
I must respectfully disagree with Susan Young (june 22 letter), who wrote that the hate-mongers who masquerade as preachers ruined our Pride Parade. Yes, they may wish to do so, but they merely reinforce the need for Pride with their incessant bleating. I often wonder what their end game is. Do they expect us to lay down our rainbows and say, “My goodness! Thanks for verbally punching me! You’ve been so right all along?”
I know in their twisted universe, that’s what love looks like to them. But what the thousands of people who showed up at Pride this year showed, what the angels who stood in front of them blocking their hatred from view showed, what our giant rainbow party showed, is that they can’t ruin our parade. We are here to stay. And love is love is love is love is love.
Barbara Williamson