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Hate is in the air

Hate is in the air these days, and no one wants to talk about it. They just want to hate. It must feel good for the majority of people! Where do the hate leaders want it to go? It looks like a death wish situation.

Permanent war is in the air. The only way to “defeat” these bad ideas, bad guys and hateful organizations is to get rid of them. Bomb them or put them in jail or attack them in some violent way. Hate is building up to the point where some group will send a ship with a WMD into the port of a major city and, anonymously, set it off. It has been done before. And then what is to be done? Who will be to blame?

Are human beings determined to destroy themselves with fire or the destruction of their living space? What will stop this madness? The most human of all our characteristics is empathy and yet it is being suppressed and disparaged in the name of hate.

Hate is powerful. Hate is in the air. Hate will bring on more war. What happened? Is anyone working for peace?

Bart Haggin


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