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Foreign enemies among us?

What if a foreign enemy conspired to destroy the apparatus that keeps our population healthy? Especially targeted would be women, and the children they raise – the children, who, when grown, our country would depend upon to defend us as well as keep our country technologically and economically competitive.

What if a foreign enemy conspired to wreck our educational system, our scientific research and engineering capabilities, and even our belief in the scientific method, which allows us to create and manufacture medical miracles and beneficial consumer products, as well as the defense systems that hold our enemies at bay?

What if a foreign enemy conspired to incite enough distrust, polarization, even conflict, amongst our citizenry that could critically divide our country and create the elements that would inhibit – or even ultimately extinguish – what greatness and security we had enjoyed? (Ben Franklin was most assuredly right.)

What if a foreign enemy helped create, here, a powerful enough politically inflexible minority so thoughtlessly and carelessly indifferent to the well-being of our nation and their fellow citizens as to constitute a peril to our republic?

Shouldn’t we as importantly worry about rooting-out our enemies’ fifth columnists, sympathizers and surrogates at work in our government’s “leadership?”

Donald O. Capstick


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