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Bond ignores Airway Heights

The Airway Heights area only has one school. Sunset Elementary was built in 1951, belongs to Cheney School District and is the oldest school in the district. There is no a middle school or high school in this community. Not one school has been added to this area for 66 years.

For the third time, CSD has placed a bond on the ballot to expand Cheney High School while ignoring requests to build a high school closer to the Airway Heights area. Generations of children have been negatively affected by this indifference. Rewrite the bond to serve the north part of the district.

Tax dollars are not being used to serve children outside of Cheney. Airway Heights area tax dollars deserve to be spread throughout the district, not kept in Cheney. If this bond passes, a high school will not be considered to be built outside of Cheney until beyond 2028. Airway Height’s growth rate is 41 percent and Cheney’s is 25 percent since 2000.

Build a brighter future for the whole district, not just Cheney. Tell CSD we want what is best for kids. Vote no. Does Airway Heights have to wait 100 years to get another school?

Kippie Shadix


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