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Gun owners band together

If gun-rights supporters are willing to compromise the explicit and defining meaning of the Second Amendment, they enter the slippery slope of totally disarming the people. Permitting the government to establish what firearms you can possess also permits them to determine that you need not possess any. Being willing to accept a ban on semiautomatic weapons would ban many shotguns and semi-auto rifles with traditional stocks as well. The media would next demonize scoped bolt actions rifles as (sniper guns), then pump actions, next the venerable lever action repeater.

You see where the slippery slope will lead; it is not the desire of the anti-gun crowd to only ban so-called assault rifles. It is to demonize all firearms and to start the process of total disarmament by making ownership so costly it becomes prohibited. I will not stand for even one compromise. I hope the compromisers see folly of their opinion and change their positions, for your preferred firearm of choice will be next!! You see all firearms owners need to stand united or divided we will fall.

Joe Domon


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