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Give planet an assist

Our planet’s ecosystem is a delicate thing, the slightest interference can alter an environment. When you have billions of people and animals producing gases that are warming our planet only bad things can happen. Global climate change is an ever-growing problem that will affect all of us. Global climate change is causing the planet as a whole to warm up, but it’s also helping to spread deadly diseases that are born from insects like the mosquito.

Since we are experiencing many droughts followed by periods of heavy rain. After this rain there are large amounts of standing water and this causes a breeding ground for mosquitoes. This causes a spread of mosquito born diseases. However, there are small things you can do to combat global climate change.

There are some small changes you can make to help combat this issue. Start buying locally. When you buy locally, it is often cheaper and the food has a smaller carbon footprint. In addition, you can install solar panels. While they are expensive upfront they can save you money in the long run and don’t worry even when it’s cloudy out they still generate energy.

Miles Lanham


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