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Trump’s racist history

President Trump’s racist comments and tweets come as no surprise to anyone who has researched his background.

In 1973 the U.S. Department of Justice sued Donald Trump for violations of the Fair Housing and Civil Rights acts. The DOJ had evidence that Trump was prohibiting black people from renting his apartments. Trump settled the lawsuit with a consent decree agreeing to stop the practice, but in 1978 the DOJ extended the decree because his managers once again started discriminating against minorities. The DOJ wrote “racially discriminatory conduct by Trump agents has occurred with such frequency that it has created a substantial impediment.”

Trump’s racist beliefs are documented in a 1991 book written by John O’Donnell, his former casino and hotel manager. One year later the New Jersey Casino Commission fined Trump’s casino $200,000 for discrimination against black employees.

Trump has publicly disparaged blacks, Jews, Muslims, Native Americans, Hispanics, the homeless and the handicapped. In the 10 days after Trump was elected, there were 900 documented hate-incidents within the United States, many invoking swastikas. Hate crimes continue to increase throughout 2017, often fueled by Trump’s racist rhetoric.

Paul Oman


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