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The Slice: How important to you is a white Christmas?

Once upon a time, I believed everyone who celebrated the holiday hoped for a white Christmas.

I assumed the PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE entreaties and pre-yule wishing for snow was universal.

Then I moved to Spokane, home of a lot of people who apparently think they would be happier in San Diego. (They probably couldn’t afford it.)

Oh sure, there are plenty of people here who silently sing along with Bing Crosby. But not everyone feels that way, which is their right. I suppose.

Always good to remember that we don’t all think alike.

So let me ask.

How important to you is a white Christmas?

A) I can take it or leave it. B) Hugely important. C) I grew up in a part of the country that hardly ever gets snow. But every TV show I saw as a kid had snow in the Christmas episodes. So now that I live in Spokane, you had better believe I want a white Christmas. D) It matters. I want a Christmas just like the ones I used to know.

E) It’s a big deal. I’ve served my time with beige Christmases. F) Doesn’t matter to me. I’m pretty sure it didn’t snow in Bethlehem. G) We have been trained by marketing to crave a white Christmas. But that’s silly. H) As long as it goes away on Dec. 26.

I) Uh, I want what Ralphie had. And he didn’t wake up on Christmas morning and look out at palm trees. J) I want it to snow like this is Bedford Falls. K) What’s the point of living this far north if you can’t have a white Christmas? Do I look like I’d rather be in Seattle? L) I don’t just want it, I demand it.

M) Our kids and dogs like it. N) I’ll take what I can get. O) All my favorite pop culture holiday associations include snow. P) I require it to be happy.

Q) To me, fresh snow symbolizes peace. R) Of course, I want it. I’m not Australian. S) People who are afraid of snow at this time of year annoy me. T) Other.

Today’s Slice question: What did you learn about Spokane this year?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Assuming you are old enough, do you remember where you were when you heard about John Lennon being murdered in New York City on this date in 1980?

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