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Which gender on battlefield?

I am hoping that these abounding stories of groping, #MeToo, and other related offenses will be taken into account in future decisions about integrating men and women in the military, especially in the combat arms branches. In society’s quest to make all workplaces and vocations equal in all aspects, for the two genders (now maybe more), it overlooks the blatant unfairness to men and women by placing them together in military combat units. Not to mention the extra hardships it causes for the whole chain-of-command!

Paradoxically, society has no problem in segregating the two genders when it comes to collegiate and professional sports. In sports, suddenly society recognizes there are physical capability differences between the genders. I think society should integrate men and women in the military, but decide on which gender it wants to send to the battlefield, and keep those units gender segregated!

Forrest Diehl


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