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Conservative evangelicals and their moronic advocate in the Oval Office are backing an accused pedophile for U.S. Senate. This debasement of the GOP (Guardians of Pedophilia) is embraced by Trump voters solely for the sake of feeding Paul Ryan’s crusade to destroy the social safety net for millions of Americans.

To avoid needing even a single Democratic vote, Paul Ryan’s wrecking crew, with Cathy McMorris Rodgers at his side, passed a budget reconciliation bill last week that deliberately pushes us to a severe budget crisis six years out. When the tax cut deficits that every credible source predicts hit $1.5 trillion in 2023, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid all will be automatically subject to cuts estimated today at more than $800 billion. To shove this war on the social safety net down our throats, CMR’s radical gremlins need every last vote they can beg, borrow or steal today.

Ryan and McMorris Rodgers and their crew are so desperate to destroy the social contract that has guaranteed opportunity to all American’s regardless of economic status that they are willing to embrace accused pedophile for the Senate. Should we be surprised? Trump voters put an admitted sexual predator in the White House.

Jim Wavada


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