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GOP radicalized
The tragic violence in Charlottesville is a symptom of the cancer consuming the Republican Party. This is not new. It has been metastasizing in the GOP since Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota welcomed Tea Party radicals into her caucus in July 2010. Fast forward through years of her novice radicals wasting everyone’s time in Congress trying to delegitimize President Obama to the day after Donald Trump’s victory and the shouts of “Heil Trump,” at the American Nazi Party convention.
This ugly lesion, the alt-right, thrives in a radicalized GOP. It is quickly becoming the face of today’s GOP. Ronald Reagan’s GOP has been replaced by billionaire kleptocrats leading by deception and fear mongering. They use the alt-right to pander to their narrowing base. Our president exploits the contrived sense of grievance that moves these white supremacists to violence.
Trump and the GOP leadership own this violence, and so does every voter who marked Donald Trump on their ballots last November.
We need to deny this radicalized GOP further access to the levers of governance, and quickly, lest we slide quickly into banana republic fascism, just so Our Thief in Chief can claim a base of political support.
Jim Wavada