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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

‘Many sides’ in context

President Trump stated “many sides” responsible for the violence in Charlottesville. That statement resulted in the media, many politicians and prominent leaders turning their backs on him, even referring to the president as a racist.

Before you label Trump as a racist, please take the time to read, “Return of the Violent Black Nationalist.” That article was published last week by The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). For decades, the SPLC has been an unyielding advocate for those victimized by racism. I am certain most readers remember what the SPLC did to the Aryan Nations complex and organization in northern Idaho approximately 20 years ago.

The white nationalist and the black nationalist are two sides of the same coin, both equally destructive and dangerous. However, there is an even more dangerous element within the many sides. Like the cheap politicians who are attempting to exploit Trumps words to promote their own agendas.

Charles R. Delgado


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