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Replace the word ‘transgender’

I was surprised that The Spokesman-Review accepted Steve Massey’s column in its Faith and Values section. Treating this column as a legitimate “faith and values” commentary was not up to the high standards Spokane citizens and subscribers expect of this newspaper. Just imagine replacing the word “transgender” with any other words used to identify a group of people and then read the article again. What if it said, “Working women neither normal nor acceptable”; “Biracial dating neither normal nor acceptable”; “Gay employees neither normal nor acceptable?”

Spokane wants to grow its economy and create a thriving community that draws talented and diverse people to our beautiful city. This column sends a strong and clear message to its readers and citizens: only people who are deemed “normal and acceptable” by a small and exclusionary group are welcome to take part in our community life and our churches.

The recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia, remind us that there are real life consequences to spreading intolerance and hate. As a lifelong citizen of Spokane County and as a Christian, I want to say “all are welcome” in Spokane.

Carolyn Sola


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