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President statement weak
I have prayed that my children and grandchildren wouldn’t see the “out in the open” racial hatred that was on display in Charlottesville, Virginia. Worse yet was the response by the president, the leader of our country, whose statement was as strong as weak tea. The other leaders, those of the state and our country, called out the hate of these groups and named the groups spewing the hate. The president’s weak statement can only lead one to believe that he and his administration won’t speak directly to these groups by naming them or take action against these hate groups which only encourages further white supremacists actions.
This isn’t the first action taken by white supremacists that has been met with silence by the president.
There is only one America and our message is not one of hate, bigotry and racism. White supremacists and their hate messages need to be called out and told to leave, so shame on the president. I want my America back. Yours and the white supremacy version of America will go the way of the Dodo bird.
Robin Wong