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Negative outcomes with Trump

Arlene Stromberger (“Stop whining about Hillary,” April 23) states proudly that she voted for Trump “because he’s a smart businessman and will strengthen our military, among other things.” Hmm. We already have the most powerful military in the world, and Trump filed bankruptcy numerous times and owes countless millions to creditors.

Perhaps “the other things” she is referring to are Trump’s defunding of women’s health care through his new HJ Res 43 law and many state’s likely rejection of Title X grants? Or was it reversing climate and environmental standards and decimating current EPA protections? Or maybe reversing Dodd-Frank to protect us from predatory lenders? Or perhaps it will be allowing his crony, the Dow Chemical CEO to poison our food with three chemicals potentially lethal to 1,800 endangered species and developing human babies’ brains? Or perhaps it is World War III against North Korea or Iran she voted for?

With Trump, the negative possibilities are appearing endless.

Delilah Dixon


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