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Invest in pot prevention

Thanks, Shawn Vestal, for acknowledging “potential (pot) trouble, from stoned drivers to concerns over teenage drug use”! Yes, preventing alcohol impaired crashes, eliminating stigma of treatment, and reducing underage drinking has had success partly because of adults taking responsibility.

High schools used to have a student assistance specialist to help with substance misuse. Coalitions mobilized citizens for the health of our children utilizing best practices outcomes. That was then. With the privatization of hard liquor and legalized marijuana, funding for prevention has been all but wiped out at the local level.

Headlines tout $257.6 million in taxes collected in 2016. What is never mentioned is the minuscule sum to do what we did with alcohol. As part of the $238,000 allotment for our six county region through the Department of Health’s Youth Marijuana Prevention Education Program, GSSAC receives $12,000 for community outreach. Even the industry says that’s ridiculous per I-502.

Ask any teen about marijuana. They’ll say it’s everywhere. Adults can enjoy freedom with pot but we are a long way and many dollars short of responsibilities. Put down the mouthful of cannabis ravioli and start forking out investments in prevention.

Linda J. Thompson

Spokane Valley

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