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DeVos unqualified

Betsy DeVos, President Trump’s secretary of education, is grossly unqualified for her position. Her biggest inadequacy for her position is her support for school vouchers, federal money that pays for private school tuition rather than putting money into traditional public schools.

To make matters worse, Secretary DeVos has been quoted as saying “changing the way we approach… the system of education in the country… really may have greater [God’s] Kingdom gains in the long run.” This shows that not only does Secretary DeVos propose vouchers, she would also use her role as secretary to bring her religion into the school system.

The founding fathers explicitly detailed their opposition to religion being brought into the federal government in the Constitution. President Trump claimed he was going to “drain the swamp” but in reality, he flooded it. Betsy DeVos is part of the same conglomerate-controlled, establishment politician, Trump’s base was so fond of distancing themselves from.

So, not only does she want to defund public schools for the private option and take religious freedom from students like myself, she’s also a member of the top 1 percent who wants another dollar in her bank account.

Jackson Deese


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