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Homeless help appreciated

Two things came to mind when I read about the plea for funding to meet the needs of the homeless in our area (April 12 article).

First was an article about skid row in a major U.S. city and the patchwork of soup kitchens and Band-aids that addressed only the effects of homelessness and ignored the need for housing.

Second was our experience this March as we followed the Zags. Walking to and from the arena, we were advised to avoid a certain route because of the homeless people on the streets. The obvious presence of many police and security personnel preserved the safety, but not the humanity of all. And police protection comes at a cost to the community and businesses.

Thank you, Spokane and Catholic Charities for providing not only shelter, but also services and housing. Local county and city governments can keep the House of Charity open all day if they so choose.

Judy Butler


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