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I-732 study biased

Debate is a central part of democracy, but voters deserve to get the facts. In a September 24 op-ed opposing Initiative 732, the authors fail to present the facts when they cite an economic analysis that was supposedly issued in August.

First, voters should know that the analysis was paid for by the No on 732 campaign. Kaiser Aluminum, whose senior HR manager co-authored the op-ed, is the largest donor to the No campaign. Second, the analysis was never actually issued. Only an executive summary and an infographic have been released. Third, the analysis of electricity costs is wildly inaccurate. A nationally recognized expert on the electricity sector calls it “implausible.”

Here’s the truth: I-732 puts a price on dirty fossil fuels, and it offsets the costs to households and businesses by reducing our regressive sales tax by a full point, eliminating the B&O tax on manufacturing, and funding a Working Families Rebate that will provide up to $1,500 a year for 460,000 low-income households.

We should pass I-732 for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Kaiser Aluminum may not agree with that, but they should still agree that voters deserve accurate information so they can make informed decisions.

Yoram Bauman, co-chair,


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