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Divided States of America

The day following Sept. 11, 2001, we were a “truly United States of America” (as mentioned by former White House Chief of Staff Andy Card on “Meet the Press”, and our whole nation was combined by solidarity, brotherhood and togetherness. Also, the entire civilized world was standing with us, and everywhere was heard the declaration, “we are all Americans, now.”

Unfortunately, today we seem to be a Divided States of America. Our media are full of mutual insults, offenses, affronts and rudeness displayed by some supporters and some members of our major political parties.

Why can’t we elect our new president in orderly and harmonious fashion, through constructive political discussion? Why can’t we demonstrate to the world and to ourselves that we are first of all Americans, and only then, supporters of one or another political trend?

Jerzy Slobodow


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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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