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Objective Hillary story

Here’s your Sept. 13 Clinton and pneumonia story, told from a more objective point of view: Clinton’s team revealed today that the secretary had what is called “walking pneumonia.” Her staff didn’t reveal the diagnosis for a day because Secretary Clinton initially refused to take her doctor’s advice and get some bed rest.

Staff members describe her as someone who refuses to quit. Staff also indicated that it is likely Clinton also didn’t want to reveal her illness because Fox News and Trump surrogates had for weeks peddled the idea that Clinton was not fit to be president, with Fox News going so far as to very crudely loop a tape of Secretary Clinton showing surprise at a reporter’s question to make it look like she had seizures.

Critics questioned whether or not this was a matter of a lack of transparency in her not immediately reporting the illness. Clinton surrogates retorted: Where are the stories about Trump’s lack of transparency, given he has not as yet revealed his full medical report and, more importantly, his taxes? His whole candidacy rests on his supposed business acumen, but there is no way to verify what he claims because he says, “[his] taxes are his own business.”

Stephen Drinkard


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