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Respect flag, protocol

While walking I enjoy seeing houses that display the flag, many on flagpoles. I too have a flagpole in my front yard.

On Sept. 11, I noticed several flags that were not lowered at private homes and even at a church. That day, of all days, every American should realize the significance of lowering the flag in remembrance. This lack of symbolism made me wonder if maybe we are forgetting what half-staff was really intended for.

Lowering the flag to half-staff used to be reserved for when heads of state died. This year the proclamations for lowering to half-staff have been so frequent that often I feel like it is a full time job just to keep the flag displayed properly.

I truly hope we are not becoming so anesthetized by current events that we forget, or choose not to honor, those who fought and continue to fight for our right to fly a flag. Whether it is at full or half-staff, the flag should be a reminder that somewhere a member of our military is making sure we can still be blissfully going about our day not necessarily noticing if the flag is flying at full or half-staff.

Tracie Tharp Hogeboom


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