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Johnson will cut spending

Admiral Michael Glenn Mullen, as chairman of the JCS, said, “The biggest threat we have to our national security is the debt. Not al Qaeda, climate change or weapons of mass destruction.”

Hillary Clinton has neither the temperament nor the integrity to serve as president, as documented by Gary J. Byrne, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Dick Morris and others. Clinton has supported the waste of trillions of dollars and the lives of our military in the counterproductive war in Iraq and failed actions in Libya, and now wants to replicate the Libyan fiasco in Syria.

Donald Trump acknowledges the problem of the debt but promises more spending that will increase the debt. We have more military spending than the next seven largest spenders combined. That’s not enough for Trump. He proposes to significantly increase military spending, apparently thinking China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, UK, India, France and Japan are going to form a coalition to attack the U.S.

Thankfully we have an alternative in Gary Johnson. He is serious about cutting spending and as governor vetoed 750 bills. He wants to save our military for defense, not senseless offensive actions that create instability, more enemies and organizations like ISIS.

David Wordinger, Major, USAF, ret.

Medical Lake

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