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Farragut event special
My wife and I attended the veterans celebration at Farragut State Park. This celebration is held each year the weekend after Labor Day for the U.S. Navy personnel who attended Navy boot camp at the Farragut Naval Training Station from 1942 to 1946. It was amazing to learn that approximately 293,000 of our young men and women from all over the nation came there for their Navy boot camp and training.
There were only 12 of these veterans in attendance, but it was a very moving experience to talk to these men that had served our country. Their stories and their love for our country was so moving you could not talk to them without a tear in your eye and a lump in your throat. Two of these veterans we met had not seen each other since their days in 1944 at Farragut.
A special thank you to the Combat Vet Riders for providing a great lunch after the ceremony and the Farragut Park Staff members and volunteers that make this happen yearly. It is a beautiful setting and nice to know there are people that care so much for these individuals and to preserve their stories.
Mike and Sheri Taylor