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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

The Slice: Like a well-oiled machine or is it chaos?

In your household, when someone declares that he or she has detected the aroma of a skunk discharge, how long does it take to get all the windows shut?

Has anyone ever actually timed it?

Down Under: How many people in the Spokane area have lived for a time in the Southern Hemisphere?

I’m going to guess 4,791. Remember when this was the first day of spring?

Another way to make apple juice: “My neighborhood friend Jeff had an apple tree in his backyard, and it was too much fun loading apples with Black Cat firecrackers and tossing them into the sky,” wrote Jim Bohn.

But Jim’s dad had warned him about playing with firecrackers. “You’ll blow your fingers off.”

You know, a version of the classic “You’ll shoot your eye out” parental warning.

“We were being very careful until a short fuse and late toss resulted in apple chunks in my face and a stunned hand. As I was wiping off the juice, I saw Dad looking over Jeff’s side gate. He had seen the whole thing. I don’t want to remember what happened next.”

Yoga: “I think that many people who are brave enough to try are pleasantly surprised,” said Lorri Stonehocker.

Playing catch: “I grew up in a small Wisconsin town and will always very fondly remember my dad throwing the football to me and my two brothers at halftime of every Packer game,” wrote Dan Keberle, professor of music at Whitworth University. “We all pretended to be our favorite Packer player and my dad was Bart Starr. Of course, we usually had so much fun that we would never get back to the second half until the fourth quarter started.”

It didn’t end there.

“With my own 9-year-old son I play catch with the baseball. He likes it so much that we play catch out on the sidewalk before and after school, even when there is snow on the ground.”

Everybody’s a critic: Jerry Cartwright called The Slice phone over the weekend and recorded a first-rate impression of Lee Marvin singing “I was Born Under a Wandrin’ Star.”

The dog howling in the background attested to his rendition’s authenticity.

Today’s Slice question: When dining out, do you text photos of the menu to friends or family in other states and ask what they would order?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email How many women attend large-venue concerts or sporting events in an intentionally dehydrated state so they won’t have to face the restroom lines?

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