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WSU leadership fails

As a UW alumnus and former college athlete, I’m disappointed by WSU leadership’s response to their athletes’ apparent illegal behavior. College athletes are not children; they are young men. Responsible athletic programs seek to build up character in their student participants, and they specify at the outset guidelines by which participants are expected to abide.

Accountability (including sanctions where indicated) should be an inflexible part of a student athlete’s privilege representing the college. State Sen. Michael Baumgartner blowing off the infractions as “a handful of guys doing some dumb things” is irresponsible rhetoric at the least and inflammatory justification at the worst.

For WSU President Kirk Schulz to refuse to deal with this during the football season underscores the dollar value of major college football to college income. It also sends a clear message to all including the involved students: college income and reputation preservation is more important than the character development of students attending the college.

And Coach Mike Leach is blaming Pullman police for targeting members of his team? I say bravo to those public servants in law enforcement who are simply doing their job. At least those cops are trying to build character in unruly athletes as they enforce law and order.

Ward Buckingham


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