Condon’s policy adviser and City Council liaison steps down

After nine months on the job, Mayor David Condon’s policy adviser and liaison to the City Council is returning to private legal practice.
The mayor’s office announced Thursday that Tyler Whitney, Condon’s former campaign manager who was hired in January to facilitate policy discussions with the City Council, will step down later this month to return to the law firm Winston & Cashatt. Whitney left the firm for City Hall.
Brian McClatchey, who serves in a similar legal advisory role to the City Council and worked directly with Whitney, said Thursday he wasn’t aware the mayor’s adviser was leaving until the announcement. Both he and City Council President Ben Stuckart said they wished Whitney well in his return to practicing law.
In addition to his duties communicating with the council, Whitney advised Condon on state and local policy, the mayor’s office said. He was scheduled to earn an annual salary of $87,767.
Brian Coddington, spokesman for the mayor, said the policy adviser position would “likely” be filled, but the administration won’t make a final decision for at least a few days.