Voting for I-735
I read once that corporations and special interest groups expect $10 in return for every $1 contributed to political campaigns and I believe it. Cathy McMorris Rodgers receives approximately $3 million in such contributions each election cycle. That suggests McMorris Rodger’s corporate and special interest supporters expect $30 million in tax breaks and other sweet deals in return for their donations.
Did you know that many Fortune 500 corporations make billions in profits and pay no income taxes? Did you know that federal law prohibits Medicare Part D from negotiating prices with drug companies? Fortune 500 and drug companies contribute regularly to McMorris Rodger’s campaign. These are just two examples of what I believe is legalized corruption.
Where do our legislators get that the money for these corporate giveaways? It has to be coming from you and I in the form of higher taxes and government borrowing. Now multiply $30 million by 535 representatives and senators.
In November, I will vote for I-735 which will eventually get corporate money out of elections. If we cut off the money, we can cure 90 percent of the problems in Washington. I also vote for candidates who support I-735. Do you?
Michael Bell
Nine Mile Falls