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Effect of non-enforcement

The author of a recent letter to the editor was offended by a front page headline on Aug. 21, “Suspect in grisly killing had avoided deportation.” They believed the headline was “… more aptly suited to the tabloids found in the checkout lines …”.

Seems to me this writer wants to bury their head in the sand. Was the headline accurate? Yes. Is the headline relevant to today’s current events? Yes.

As far as the headline being offensive, I would have been more offended if The Spokesman-Review had hidden the story or not covered it at all. I’m sure the victim, Ana Garcia, and her now motherless son were offended by the actions of her boyfriend who allegedly murdered her along I-90. He was in the country illegally and had been convicted of DUI but was not deported. At the time of the incident he was transporting a pound of meth to sell in Washington.

This is a perfect example of how Americans and Washingtonians are affected by the non-enforcement of immigration laws. And now, a motherless son will live with that fact for the rest of his life, society and the rule of law have failed him.

Rich Zywiak


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