Millennials Crave Cars, Survey Says
Car ownership still a priority for millennial generation despite earlier speculation

Despite previous reports that suggested the internet, social media, car sharing and public transportation had supplanted the need for a driver’s license among those in their late teens and 20s, perhaps the millennial generation isn’t so down on cars after all.
A recent survey of 1,000 adults age 18-34 conducted by the credit-monitoring website Credit Karma in San Francisco found that 78 percent of millennials currently own a car, with another 12 percent expressing a desire to own one. The majority of respondents - 55 percent - said they had purchased their first rides before reaching the age of 22. Less than eight percent of those queried said they had no plans to own a car whatsoever.
And despite the rapid growth of car-sharing and ride-sharing services in major cities, the report found that urban millennials were only slightly less (by five percent) interested in driving and owning their own cars than were their suburban counterparts.