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Inspired by Parks’ story

My hat’s off to Cindy Hval, Spokesman-Review correspondent, for her inspiring story on Stan Parks, age 92, and his ongoing life accomplishments.

As a “leading” member of the baby boom generation, born in 1946, I approach my 71st birthday frequently asking myself, “What do I want to do with the rest of my life?” Believe me, the danger of thinking “I’m too old to consider trying something new” is an all too frequent excuse I face when considering new changes.

Although I don’t have the dental background to do a lot of what Stan did, I could author a book, become more actively involved in Kiwanis and shake Stan Parks’ hand.

Again, Cindy, thank you for writing about Stan Parks’ life and reminding me to not use my age as an excuse for not thinking outside the box.

Gordon Spunich

Spokane Valley

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